Moja kolekcia
Sekcia 1

Sekcia 2
ST zvuky
 adefeini.wav   (Computervoice: automatic defense procedures initiated... )

 comrflin.wav   (Computervoice: command functions are off line... )

 datbcomp.wav  (Computervoice: database complete... )

 makeitso.wav  (Voice of Capt. Picard: make it so... )

 prgcompl.wav  (Computervoice: program complete...)

 transfco.wav  (Computervoice: transfer complete...)

 transpor.wav  (The sound of transporter device)

 prgready.wav  (Computervoice: program ready...)

 pleaspec.wav  (Computervoice: please specify, how would you like to proceed, Sir...)

 untocoml.wav  (Computervoice: unable to comply, internal scanner has been damaged...)

 sttheme.wav  (Star Trek TNG theme)

 nowest.wav  (Computervoice: now establishing datalink, accessing... )

Vytvoril:  Blackjoe ©1998